Your God is SOOOO Great, All He Needs Is For You To Make Excuses For Him.

I think the title of this article is pretty much a “mike drop”, Said another way, anyone that is a thinking, socially aware person would recognize the “record scratch” moment this exhibits. There is no recovery from this. No god, ever, is able to pass this single, simple, ludicrously obvious test. Ever. The God Damned End.

Yet….. Dumb fucks are going to comment.

So, lets expatiate on this a little.

There are a lot of variations of gods. But let’s start with the relatively limited gods. This is entirely my own category, but it is made up of gods that have a “specialty”, which by default also means there are some things they don’t do so well. For example, Poseidon, God of the Sea, doesn’t control the clouds. But by supposedly being in charge of the sea and all that is in it, to this day the Captains of seagoing vessels will engage in rituals, pour some liquor overboard, and in other ways engage in ridiculous behavior “just to be sure.”

But one thing is a fact. Poseidon himself has never bothered to show up and clarify the rules and what he desires. I mean, I’m not trying to accuse anyone of a bit of shenannigans, but the rule that requires women to get naked and swim around the craft when crossing the equator JUST MIGHT be a product of male hormones, rather than devout adherence. At the very least, it is a plausible hypothesis.

Hmmmm… People will use an idea, nay, a superstition, to their advantage. Hmm. People will and have used superstitions and the fear of people to their advantage. Wow. People have used fear and superstition to stoke people into believing them, and gaining power.. Hmmm…..

You know, when you put it like that, it’s possible that instead of a deity directing the activities of people, people might just be using an idea to further their own personal gain. I bet if you had someone that was completely making shit up just to use it to control people would talk big but have little to back it. Kinda like someone that talks big on the internet but when you meet them in person they have nothing to back up their claims.

Oh, and I bet someone reading right now is thinking…. “Fuck You, Spartan Atheist!” YOU are a worthless piece of shit that hides behind your computer! I win!”

Then, well, bring it on. Your god supposedly knows who I am. After all, I assume you don’t think of your god as a “limited” god, right? So your god knows me. Your god knows who I am. So this is simple. If you think I am wrong, I will fight you one-on-one in any particular fighting style you want. Your pick. Wrestling, Kung Fu, MMA, fencing, or to-the-death sword fighting. Just you, just me. I triple dog dare you.

All I ask is your god arrange the meeting…….

Oops, I dropped my mike again.

The Spartan Atheist

77 thoughts on “Your God is SOOOO Great, All He Needs Is For You To Make Excuses For Him.

  1. Spartan, Why would an omnipotent being (your words) need mere humans to make excuses for him? Your post has been refuted with a simple question. The mike just dropped, BOOOM!


    1. Thank you, Silence, for being exhibit A.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Disinclined to think for themselves, a majority of people on this planet prefer being led. Even by an imaginary leader.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You may now drop the mike. *profound bow*

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Then, well, bring it on. Your god supposedly knows who I am. After all, I assume you don’t think of your god as a “limited” god, right? So your god knows me. Your god knows who I am. So this is simple. If you think I am wrong, I will fight you one-on-one in any particular fighting style you want. Your pick. Wrestling, Kung Fu, MMA, fencing, or to-the-death sword fighting. Just you, just me. I triple dog dare you.
    All I ask is your god arrange the meeting…….
    Outside of a grocery store, somewhere in the world.
    “LORD, what am I here for?”
    See that guy over there? That’s the guy. Go over and tell him I sent you.
    “Do I have to fight him?”
    No, just tell him I sent you.
    “Hey! Are you thespartanatheist?”
    “Why are you asking?”
    “God sent me.”
    “Now I know for sure there is no God. Why would he send an old man. . . What are you 5’7″, 150 lbs?”
    “Actually 5’6 1/2″ 145 lbs. I’m 71. Not much of a fighter.”
    “So, I’m right!”
    Spartan, you keep requiring proof on your terms that God exists. Maybe a physical appearance, protect all children from murder, starvation, poverty, stop war, speak out loud, on and on and on.
    He has granted you what you want, to not believe, to live in a world where fewer and fewer people believe in Him.
    He doesn’t force himself on anyone.
    But, some of us realized that He Is, and we asked to know Him, and He began to reveal Himself to us.
    He even puts it in our hearts (oops, sorry, minds) to carry on these seemingly endless circular conversations with you to try and show you the richness of a life with Him.
    I don’t hate you, I don’t want to fight you.
    You are pretty rude to the ones who venture into the conversation with an opposing view, but we understand the fuel behind that response.
    My hope for you is that, if you don’t want Him, that you find some measure of happiness in this life that doesn’t require that you try to destroy the lives of faith that brings so many of us into a place of joy.
    You get the life that you choose. With all the consequences.
    I treasure the one He gave me.
    “If you seek me you will find me if you seek me with all your heart.” (Or soul. Or mind. Or strength.)


    1. Yes, Randy. If your little fantasy of some random person walking up to me and asking me that, it would be profound. But that never happens. Instead, we now have Exhibit B (that’s you) making excuses as to why he can’t do it.



      1. No excuses about the can’t question. Why he doesn’t is a more appropriate question.


      2. Yep, another excuse from Randy for his impotent god. Keep ’em coming, Randy. You literally demonstrate my point with every comment.


      3. I’m willing to ride out this “gamble” until the very last day.
        Until next time. Psalms 1


      4. I’m willing to let you show me again and again and again, and again, and again…. and again….. and again…. that there is no god, only excuses for the supposed gods.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I’m just glad I made Exhibit B


      6. Oh yeah. NOTHING proves god is made up in people’s head like you typing.


      7. I just can’t help myself.
        In your mind, in your belief that either God doesn’t exist, or, if he does, he is impotent.
        Why do you say that he is impotent?

        Liked by 1 person

      8. You are right, Randy, I do NOT believe he or she or any gods exist.

        But hypothetically speaking, if there was a god that was the only god, and knew everything, and can influence our lives, then that god is impotent.

        And I call this supposed god impotent because if this god were real, as in, really real, this god is so weak as to be worthless. I have more power in my pinky finger than this god has been able to muster in 2000 years.

        And, of course, this god is not even capable of, you know, just showing up and letting people know he is not fake. A baby mouse has more power than that.

        Which is why you are here. To make excuses for your god that is 1) impotent, or 2) fake. If your god had even the power of a Kardashian sister, he wouldn’t need you out here making stupid excuses for him.

        Oh, I waited all day, and not a single person walked up to me and told me god sent them. FYI

        Liked by 1 person

      9. Well, you totally missed my point of the story.
        So, a powerful God would immediately zap all his enemies?


      10. No, Randy. An all powerful god would do, you know, ANYTHING. This god of yours does nothing, and here you are making excuses for him/her/it.


      11. I don’t know what you call ” Nothing”
        Because I have seen countless lives changed, because of Him.
        Again, He has power, unlimited, and the love and patience to withhold judgment until all who will accept Him do.
        What do you hate about tge world you live in?
        What do you love?


      12. No, Randy, you have seen countless lives change, and then you just gave your imaginary friend the credit. He has no power. None. He doesn’t even have the power to show up. That is why YOU are here. To do what he can not.

        Liked by 2 people

      13. Sorry. You are wrong.
        If you shared His life you may understand His ways.
        You want Him to think like you?


      14. Of course I’m right, Randy. That is why YOU are here. Because he is to made-up to show up himself.

        Think about it long and hard, really actually think about every single time you “saw” god or god “did” something. It was not god. It was people saying it was god. That feels profound over a lifetime, especially when you personally go through something and believe it is attributable to a god, but it is always just people. Always.


      15. To say that there is no God, especially to one who knows there is, seems like a fool’s errand.
        Thanks for caring enough for me to try and take away my Joy.
        (Please note my sarcasm)


      16. Of course, Randy. Your chicken shit god that needs you to defend him against people that would hurt his feelings. Keep up the “good work” of demonstrating his non-existence for me.


    2. WOW! Talk about a one-sided conversation! SA never got a chance to get a word in edgewise.


  4. chris schilling March 15, 2023 — 6:05 pm

    Absence of Mind and Randy Epps playing two down-and-out Beckettian tramps in a desolate landscape.
    Randy: Let’s go.
    Absence: We can’t.
    Randy: Why not?
    Absence: We’re waiting for God.
    Randy: Oh.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Why so angry at a god/gods you don’t believe to exist? Why not just go about your own day? And its “Mic”as in microphone, not mike. You’re welcome. 🙂


    1. I’m upset at people, not a god. And thank you for popping in to make excuses, becoming “exhibit C” for my article. Your god has not yet commented.


      1. What excuse did I make? Not sure you read my remark correctly


      2. The mere fact that YOU showed up. I’m talking shit about your stupid god. Where is he? Scared or imaginary, that’s where. Either way, here you are trying to defend the dumb bastard.


      3. What part of my comment was a defense? I still don’t think you read it correctly

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I think you’ve allowed your hatred for Christianity and Christians to blind your skills of reading comprehension and basic civility. Cheers

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Bye. Tell your ridiculous god I’d like to talk to him.


      6. Inability to control one’s emotions, especially when interacting with people you don’t know, is a chief sign of immaturity. Don’t be childish. There is no need whatever to be intentionally rude or hateful to people you don’t even know just because you disagree with them.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. You’re so cute when you deflect because you are losing an argument.

        Keep commenting. Every one is further proof that you are running defense for your imaginary or impotent god.


      8. I wasn’t making an argument. Or making a defense. Reading comprehension. Lol

        Liked by 1 person

      9. Comprehension of situations, buddy. My article was literally about how god never shows up, and it is always people that come running to his defense. And as if summoned to prove me right, here you are. Just the mere fact that you bothered typing anything at all to counter me demonstrates the correctness of my article. You ARE the thing I am talking about. So keep going, you are making me more correct with each comment.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. chris schilling March 18, 2023 — 5:22 am

    Godot never showed up, either, in the Samuel Beckett play, though a messenger boy appears at the end of both acts to tell the two waiting ‘tramps’ that Godot won’t be coming that day, but tomorrow for sure. (Perhaps Barabbas M is the boy?)
    When asked what Godot does, the boy replies: “He does nothing, Sir.”
    (It should be noted that Beckett denied Godot was a metaphor or stand-in for God. The play was originally written in French and the French for God is, of course, ‘Dieu’).
    Still, the parallels with the play and the Christian apologists who showed up here to rationalise or half-heartedly defend their faith (though not even that, really) must have struck me as not altogether dissimilar, otherwise why else would I have made them?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve never been brought up in a Religious environment and I could never be Pious, so I don’t think Dipshit should apply to me. I don’t think I’m a Dumb fuck either.
    Warrior Gods use language like you in their PAIN… but NOT at you.
    POSEIDON is now called our Moon.
    Nude women… Mermaids were HEAVEN’S GIFTS TO HIS SEA-EXPLORERS.

    “I Hate you”, I say in my PAIN.


  8. Dictation:
    NASA is getting nearer to it’s Final Conclusions. They might get over their FEAR that Aliens are really in CONTROL of us.
    The Graveyard of Supreme EXISTANCE is THERE.


  9. Dictation:
    SIBYL is upset with me because she expected ME to say that POSEIDEN is NEPTUNE, not SOMNUS/HYPNOS, EARTH’S Moon. NEPTUNE is now being taken over by EROS ETC.
    SUPER HEROES apply to them all….
    And GLUONS became OUR Transient GERM ENERMIES.


  10. ODIN etc. came via the original Big Bang’s ENERGIES.
    Odin’s YIN FRIGG ended up being replaced by ACHERON.
    SANE, ORIGINAL MINDS/SPIRIT Baryonic WIMP (Weakly Interactive Massive Particle) BEINGS were ALL CHRUSIFIED…. Hence the GOD of The Sparky, Static, Electric Dark ENERGIES’ ATTEMPTS at REINCARNATIONS.

    Unlike transient GLUON GERMS, SLEEPING Minds are Berthed.
    Unfortunately not every one manages to survive the Gestation Period and some don’t even manage to wake up in their robot bodies.


    1. Sibyl, I’m allowing your comments because I find them utterly hilarious. And they are hilarious because of how much bullshit you have been able to cram into a single sentence, multiplied.

      Seriously, a random word generator would make more sense than you.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Thank you Sparten for the lesson in NEGATIVE Equity Responding.


    1. You are welcome. I’m not here to help people with feelings, I’m here to point out the cold, hard truth.


  12. Never mistake Duty with Self-RIGHTIOUS BITTERNESS.


    1. Never mistake your feelings for evidence of your position. You are just wrong.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Feelings are what are CONSUMMING you.


      2. LOL! You do not know me. You are pissed that I called you out for saying pointless and unsubstantiated giberish. Keep talking about how butt-hurt you are and I’ll be all to happy to block you. Defend your ridiculous assertions with evidence or go away.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Spartan-Theist June 5, 2023 — 4:05 am

    Evidence is there but you are the one who is not accepting such evidences.


  14. Spartan-Theist June 5, 2023 — 9:49 pm

    You have to give me assurance that you will not block my comments until I present such evidence. Tell me what kind of evidence you want?. I can present evidences within the limited sphere of science only.


    1. Just give me evidence. Explain the hypothesis, discuss what we would expect, discuss what would disprove the hypothesis, and present some evidence. Not all or everything, just one single, best evidence.

      If you ramble on theology or feelings unrelated to evidence, then yes, I will block you. Just the evidence please. And you already said there is tons of it, so this should be easy.


  15. Spartan-Theist June 6, 2023 — 12:39 am

    Sure. But you have to give me assurance before starting my discussion. You should not hold or block my response in the middle of discussion until i make my point.


    1. I will block any attempt to preach. Give evidence.


  16. Spartan-Theist June 6, 2023 — 2:02 am

    The second laws of thermodynamics is against the evolution theory. I request you to throw your understanding about second laws.


    1. You are already starting off poorly. First, you are wrong. But more importantly for our discussion, I’m not asking you to disprove evolution. I’m asking for evidence that a god exists. Give me your BEST evidence.


  17. Spartan-Theist June 6, 2023 — 8:45 am

    “Explain the hypothesis, discuss what we would expect, discuss what would disprove the hypothesis, and present some evidence”

    See. You are lacking patience. I presented a hypothesis about second laws of thermo dynamics and you are not willing even to discuss about it. This shows that you are ignorant about second laws and if I present you evidence, how you can appreciate such evidence?.


    1. The topic is god, not evolution. Talk about god. Hypothesize god. Demonstrate god. Give evidence for God.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. The order of the universe and that mathematics is the language of the laws of nature are evidence of God’s existence. Language is speech. Speech proves intelligence. Thus, the universe is the result of intelligence, Logos, in Greek.

        Also, just as we speak electronic life into silicone crystals though coding and electrical potential, biological life is spoken into biomolecules through DNA and amino acid coding and electrical potential. This is evidence and proof of God’s existence since DNA and amino acid coding presuppose a code designer and writer.


      2. Silence, I’m going to give you 5 hypotheses. 1) God. 2) physics 3) Aliens 4) a god, but an asshole god that wants to be a dickhead, and 5) unintelligent universe birthing jellyfish.

        You have eliminated none of these possibilities. If your information does not eliminate options, or point toward an option, it is not evidence. It’s just information.


      3. Spartan, You asked for evidence of the existence of God. I gave you that plus proof.

        Your response was to change the subject. I can’t do much with that.


      4. You gave me nothing. Everything you said is also “proof” of everything else I said. I asked for evidence of God, not notes on what exists. Evidence points to or eliminates options. What have you eliminated?

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I gave you everything you asked for: evidence that God exists. Obviously you do not know what evidence is. And you are not educated enough to understand a proof.

        You have proven that atheism has debilitated your mind. Or maybe only debilitated minds can believe in atheism.

        Good bye. Farewell, Spartan. You have also proven yourself to be a waste of time.


      6. You gave me random information, none of which supports any hypothesis (that you did not bother to propose) that a god exists.

        A proof is a mathematical term, and every time you use it it demonstrates your lack of understanding of evidence.

        Read my articles on evidence, it will clear a lot up.


      7. Silence! Come on back, there, “big thinker!”

        Tell me why everything you just said doesn’t prove aliens created this all.


  18. Spartan-Theist June 6, 2023 — 10:08 am



  19. Spartan-Theist June 6, 2023 — 10:09 am

    Spartan, you need not remind me about the topic. I very well know about the topic. Here, if you have some brain try to understand. The evidence is homeostasis of our human body is maintained not by random energies and my point is such energies is specific and directional. The best evidence is enzyme activities in our body.
    If you ingest alcohol, such alcohol is converted in to acetate and in to carbon di oxide and water by enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), alcohol dehydrogenase
    (ADH), cytochrome P450 (CYP2E1), and catalase. Elimination of toxic alcohol is an non random path way which maintains the open biological system to function effectively. This proves that energy which maintains the homeostasis of our body is highly specific backed up by intelligence which cannot be found in random process.
    So anything which is highly specific, directional and intelligent proves the existence of supreme controller which controls and maintains homeostasis of open biological systems.
    God means generator, operator or maintainer and destructor. In order for biological open system to receive energy and release energy in the form of kinetic energy. First of all the system must function. Just like you are alive therefore you can eat, metabolise your food stuffs without your knowledge, get energy, use your energy with the help of your arms, legs and speech. If the homeostasis of your body is not maintained by directional energy, the second laws kicks in to action which increases decreased entropy of he open system. The result is, entire system collapses that is what we call it as death.
    So, the homeostasis of our body cannot be maintained by brainless random energies which has no intelligence to convert a toxic substance like alcohol to less toxic substance like acetate and further convert in to carbon di oxide and water . The enzyme activities is a non random process which acts intelligently to eliminate toxic substance to save and maintain the biological open system. This shows that higher energies which is highly specific and directional is controlling and maintaining all the biological systems including microbes, plants, animals and humans.
    This is the clear proof to show the existence of GOD.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Okay, so this is your BEST evidence, right? This is what convinced you?


  20. chris schilling June 6, 2023 — 7:50 pm

    If Absence of Mind and the other guy speaking Martian profess belief in a supernatural being they call God, then they need to provide evidence for something genuinely ‘supernatural.’ Pointing to natural entities like DNA molecules or processes like homeostasis, and then claiming these exhibit a supernatural basis or cause behind them doesn’t cut it. After all, it’s still a possibility that a sophisticated form of alien intelligence — Spartan’s third hypothesis — ‘designed’ these physical systems. That would still fall under the purview of the natural world, however far advanced beyond our capabilities. A ‘supernatural’ being capable of performing miracles — which is what I suspect Absence and Mr. Martian really have in mind — has no need to ‘design’ anything at all.

    The natural/supernatural confusion lies at the heart of all attempts at theistic apologetics. Absence of Mind certainly hasn’t resolved it yet (I doubt he can). Mr. Martian is still taking baby steps.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Spartan-Theist June 6, 2023 — 10:49 pm

    @Chris, you didn’t discuss about my comments rather you are giving a blanket statement that random energy can do it. I’M not speaking about design. I’m speaking about how our biological systems functions in a non random way. Further, I already indicated to Spartan that I can only present evidence within the limited sphere of science.

    Atheist people like you say that, all the biological systems came by random chance energies and functions randomly, appears to be gibberish and illogical when we observe the functioning of enzyme activities in our body.

    Certainly, chris or Spartan is not in full control of his internal organ functions. When you sleep or unconscious you are not in control of your heart beat, respiration rate and even the activity of the brain. So, anything which is not in humans control is controlled by higher intelligent energies which maintains the homeostasis of our internal body functions. This is the scientific fact which everyone can observe, test and realize.

    So, Spartan you asked for evidence this is the best evidence that you can ponder on. Even if you don’t accept the existence of God you cannot deny this scientific fact.

    Chris, you didn’t discuss about my comments rather you are giving a blanket statement that random energy can do it. I’M not speaking about design. I’m speaking about how our biological systems functions in a non random way. Further, I already indicated to Spartan that I can only present evidence within the limited sphere of science.

    Atheist people like you say that, all the biological systems came by random chance energies and functions randomly, appears to be gibberish and illogical when we observe the functioning of enzyme activities in our body.

    Certainly, chris or Spartan is not in full control of his internal organ functions. When you sleep or unconscious you are not in control of your heart beat, respiration rate and even the activity of the brain. So, anything which is not in humans control is controlled by higher intelligent energies which maintains the homeostasis of our internal body functions. This is the scientific fact which everyone can observe, test and realize.

    So, Spartan you asked for evidence this is the best evidence that you can ponder on. Even if you don’t accept the existence of God you cannot deny this scientific fact.


    1. Theist-moron.

      I’m sorry, what was your hypothesis?


    2. ST — you wrote that … anything which is not in humans control is controlled by higher intelligent energies … and then you continue on by saying this is scientific fact. As I recall, science doesn’t recognize any “intelligent” energies.

      It’s apparent you really have to work at it to get your god-belief into science.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks, Nan, and you are absolutely correct. Gravity and electromagnetism are forces, yet have no intelligence or plan. I had hoped to cover this but as it stands, ST still has yet to detail whatever the fuck it is he is trying to demonstrate. (i.e. a hypothesis). Without a hypothesis, we have no way of determining if information is evidence of the hypothesis.

        He is basically pissing in the wind and calling it rain.

        Liked by 1 person

  22. Spartan-Theist June 6, 2023 — 11:24 pm

    Clausius’s and Kelvin’s statements have you got it moron.


    1. Spartan-Moron, I deleted your last comment because it was utterly stupid. I asked what your hypothesis was, you just shouted a bunch of cut and paste stuff back. Try again, please. What is your hypothesis?


    2. Spartan moron, just deleted a crapload of your diarrhea of the mouth. Did you happen to have a hypothesis? ? ? ? ? ?


    3. I keep waiting for Spartan-Moron to propose a hypothesis. Yawn……


  23. Spartan-moron. So…… you have no hypothesis.


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