A Billion Dead People

Religious people often give me the look like I’m nuts for not believing the same silly things they believe. They seem confused that I don’t just readily accept the entire body of their nonsense. And why do I call it nonsense? Because a billion dead people prove it is nonsense, that’s why.

Over a billion dead people, during their lives, believed and told others that Jesus would come back in their lifetime. The end of the world was coming any day now, and they had to be prepared. After all, Jesus and Paul both said the end time was imminent. Jesus said it would happen within his generation. Paul said don’t bother getting married because it won’t be worth it. And while we “don’t know the exact day”, it’s definitely coming super soon and we’d all better get on board that train before it leaves the station! So they all waited and prayed and feared for the end of the world. And in the end, they all died first. They waited for something that never happened.

This pattern has repeated itself a billion times since. The faithful remain in limbo awaiting almost certain death and destruction, and then they just die normally without anything happening.

Sometimes, the religious leaders try to pick the day. Three preachers “knew” that the year 500 would be the date, and even “proved” it based on dimensions of Noah’s ark. They all died without ever seeing the end of the world. Not to be deterred, the faithful gathered together on the 6th of April, 793, and prayed for the inevitable….. which never happened. They all got old and died instead, still clinging to the idea that it could be any day.

During the turn of the millennium, Christians knew the end was here for sure because, well, why not! One thousand years is the perfect timing to stage a monumental, epic comeback, after all. They all died (some of them in riots caused by the panic) without ever seeing the end of the world. Then in 1033, or the 1000th anniversary of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Again, they all died without ever having their predictions come to pass. And again and again. And again. And in the year 2000. And again and again. Hundreds of generations lived and died expecting something to happen “within their lifetime”, just like over 40% of Americans today. They write books on this. The billion dead people that came before were wrong, but now it’s gonna happen for sure, they spout. Yet now, despite being 0 for 1,000,000,000, somehow they think this time the odds are in their favor.

I don’t usually play the lottery, but I have bought a ticket once or twice in my adult life. More of a novelty thing for me, I guess. But the point is, I know that my chances of winning are highly remote- about 1 in 300 million remote- and it isn’t anything I find particularly entertaining. I would rather spend my $5 on a beer and have something to drink at the end. But at least I know that SOMEONE will win the lottery. So whatever the odds, the first number is at least a “1”. In the wait for Jesus to come back and kill all the evil Jews and Atheists, that first number is, and remains, a zero.

Given that zero in a billion people have been right so far, you think the Christian would reflect on that a bit and start asking questions. Questions like “since the odds for Jesus coming in my lifetime diminish with each passing year, should I start living like he won’t come and try and be a better person?” Or maybe “Why do I trust people that have been so wrong so many times?” Or something like “Should we care for our environment, because we might be here for a while longer?” Or possibly even “Is this religion wrong?”

Yes, your religion is wrong. And over a billion dead people can attest to that.

The Spartan Atheist.

62 thoughts on “A Billion Dead People

  1. Good point. Nowadays a lot of them seem to think it must be the end times because the world is so full of “immorality” — as if there had ever been a time when that wasn’t true either.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Lol! And don’t forget some countries don’t like other countries, and all those super specific prophesies.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Yeah and whenever some disaster happens, it must be getting close. Like bruh, we are living in a much more privileged time than people were back in the “Bible days”.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. chris schilling May 14, 2021 — 6:52 pm

    “And in the end, they all died first.”
    You’d think Christians would have put two and two together by now, wouldn’t you?
    But hope (or stupidity) springs eternal, and theists have a seemingly inexhaustible talent for rationalising why they keep getting reality wrong.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hee, Hee totally brainfailed people.


  4. What about this pandemic people dying in millions?. If it is going to happen in subsequent decades and centuries. If more potent virulent virus stains comes then that’s the end of this world. Before there is no such deadly pandemic was there.


    1. Yes, there have been dozens of pandemics. Learn history.


    2. chris schilling May 16, 2021 — 2:34 am

      One dead person — who keeps changing his stupid username — has become a plague that feels like a billion dead people. And, he keeps butchering the English language.
      Is there no mercy?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Indeed. This little girl thinks im blissfully unaware by a name change. But every now and then, the comment just illustrates religious stupidity so well, I just have to let it through to be seen as an example to all.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Judy Thompson May 20, 2021 — 7:15 pm

      Bubonic plague. It wiped out two thirds of Europe, the only people who survived were those who had a natural immunity.
      Small Pox was an endless fear, until the vaccine came along to end it.
      The polio out break in the early fifties.
      The pandemic flu in 1920.
      I think every generation has their own diseases. It’s sort of a culling of the herd.
      Swine Flu.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Well of course recall one Pastor Harold Camping – i think it was around 2012 he said the world would end. It didn’t. His world ended shortly after though. But mankind has had the ability to wipte out the entire globe for decades now. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. starting with the Old Testament. Book of Exodus, Chapters 7 through 11, mentions a series of ten plagues to strike the Egyptians before the Israelites,
    held in captivity by the Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, are finally released. Some of those loosely defined plagues are likely occurrences of elements, but
    at least a few of them are clearly of infectious nature. Lice, diseased livestock, boils, and possible deaths of firstborn likely describe a variety of
    infectious diseases, zoonoses, and parasitoses [

    Similar plagues were described and referred to in Islamic tradition in Chapter 7 of the Qur’an (Surat Al-A’raf, v. 133) [

    Throughout the Biblical context, pandemic outbreaks are the bookends of human existence, considered both a part of nascent human societies, and a part
    of the very ending of humanity. In the Apocalypse or The Book of Revelation, Chapter seven bowls of God’s wrath will be poured on the Earth by angels,
    again some of the bowls containing plagues likely infectious in nature: “So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and
    painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast” (Revelation 16:2).

    through the lens of Abrahamic spiritual context, serious infectious
    outbreaks can often be interpreted as a “Divine punishment for sins” (of the entire society or its outcast segments) or, in its eschatological iteration,
    as events heralding the “End of Days” (i.e., the end of the world).


    1. Yes, infectious disease outbreaks are frequently touted to be either punishment or end times, all failing in any such predictive power.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Spartan and chris, That’s not the point.It’s a bad habit to speak at the back of the person. You people had totally demonstrated your stupidity throughout this entire blog. Unable to answer my scientific questions and evidences which I had already presented in your previous post you spout nonsense reasons to defend your ignorance. This blog is not to prove one’s English speaking and writing skills. So, Chris should not use this reason to defend his ignorance.
    You people asked for scientific evidence which I had already presented for the existence of God. It’s your duty to accept and admit the peer reviewed scientific evidence and act just and fairly. Whenever I present my evidence you people are totally unfair in admitting peer reviewed scientific evidence and you blocked me without any justification.
    Even in your previous post “Brain failures”. I pointed in Bible there is no mention of specific dates for any future calamities but in spite of bonafide references you don’t even want to admit in the context of discussion.
    You ridicule God and Scriptures for no reason. If you don’t believe in God keep your believes yourself and you don’t have the right to ridicule any bonafide religions because you atheist people want to live life like animals and you have no sense of discrimination between right and wrong. So, on this grounds alone you are not qualified to point out faults in any scriptures even though it appears to be contradictory for you.


    1. You people asked for scientific evidence which I had already presented for the existence of God Give. Me. A. Break. There is no “scientific evidence” for the existence of God. Period.
      If you don’t believe in God keep your believes yourself — I think non-believers would most likely say the same to you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Judy Thompson May 20, 2021 — 7:17 pm



    2. chris schilling May 18, 2021 — 5:35 pm

      “I pointed in Bible [sic] there is no mention of specific dates for any future calamities…”

      You still don’t get the problem, do you, Mr. Jones?

      And yes, if your grammar skills are poor, that usually says something about your thinking skills, too. We make allowances sometimes, if English is not a person’s first language, but you have to be able to present a worthwhile argument in the first place. You keep failing on that score.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Now, I know analogies break down when you push them, but this was a pretty good one.

    When you buy a lottery ticket, you know your chances are slim, but you also know that you will find out if you won pretty quickly.
    So, you use your human brain to figure out which numbers to choose, your hard-earned cash to have a chance to win, and there you go.

    If you lose, well, there’s always next week.

    But someone could win. It can’t be you if you don’t at least try.
    So there is at least a chance, every week, that you will hit it right.

    Now, suppose that you didn’t know when the drawing would be, that it was only a one time thing, but you knew it would be good if you won. How much would you be willing to invest on the chance that it might come in your lifetime?

    Now the difference here is, you can get a ticket guaranteed to win when the drawing comes, even if it comes after you die.
    But you can’t afford the price.
    But someone is willing to buy it for you.
    All you have to do is accept the free gift.

    The chances that you ascribe to lottery winners are always there.
    But the chance of Jesus returning for his own people is only going to be a one time occurrence.
    Just because it hasn’t happened yet, and many have tried to predict when, doesn’t make it a zero chance, does it.

    Maybe the delay is so just a few more people that are loved by the master can have a chance to get their free ticket.

    “No one knows the day or the hour”

    “A day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Randy. No, your analogy was interesting. But let me move it back to reality.

      Some guy tells you that there is a lottery, and it is a free lottery. And anyone that has a ticket will win, but nobody knows when the lottery will take place. Also, you have to get tickets from him, only he knows where the ticket sales are.

      You think that a bit odd, but he did say it was free. Sure why not?

      Okay, he says, he will get you in the lottery. And although it is free, there are some conditions. 1) the ticket is free, but you do have to attend a lottery party once a week, and you’re expected to give 10% of your income to the party planner. 2) You have to sing songs about a guy named Leroy, and how great a dude Leroy is. 3) Your children have to come to the party and sing songs praising Leroy. 4) you may be asked to spend your own money going to far away places to tell people about the lottery. 5) sometimes we hate certain people, we expect you to join in on that.

      And at this point, you say “wait, how do I even know this lottery is real? You expect me to give up my time and money and brainwash my children for something I don’t even know is real?”

      And then the guy says “just trust me.”

      Me? Not buying it. That’s the story of every cult ever. And do you know what happens when a cult is around long enough where the fraudster that started it dies? It becomes a religion.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Nice job of breaking the analogy.
        Okay, the prize, “Do you want to live with me forever? If you do, I will live with you until you move in with me. You will get to know me. If you don’t, well, that’s your choice.”

        I have spent 43 years getting to know Him. I still look forward to his house.

        Those five conditions: all ideas of men. Not the real


      2. That is creepy as fuck. That is some real stalker shit right there.

        So not only does this stalker god of yours run a lottery that he refuses to show anyone actually exists, you have to let him stalk you but he won’t let you see him? Bro. I’m out.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. OK so I assume here you are using the lottery apology as a metaphor for following Christ? Let’s say someone else comes along and says the same thing but replaces Jesus with Allah. Would you listen to them?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. There really is no metaphor for following Christ. You either want Him as your God, or you don’t. I do.


      2. Lol! There is no metaphor, logic, evidence, or reason to follow baby Yaweh. Sure, you can keep chasing your imaginary friend, but a billion people before have wasted their lives doing so. I can think of hundreds of more productive ways to spend my life.


      3. Ok you completely dodged my question. If you aren’t going to engage with me then I won’t engage with you


      4. Do you want to know the One true God, or do you want to convince me I am wrong?

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      5. I was just asking you questions about your anology which I’ve heard many times before, and it doesn’t have any relevance unless one is able to actually provide evidence for their God.
        I was Christian for much of life and I wanted to know said God but he was silent and the evidence for him was left wanting, so I left, and I am much happier since.

        Liked by 2 people

      6. If you want a more private conversation, my email is rtepps5115@yahoo.com


      7. Now? No. Then? Maybe I could have been convinced.
        The difference would have been in the result.


      8. But in using your analogy, you wouldn’t know the result until after you died, right? So how would you know you get a different result from following Jesus as opposed to Allah?

        Liked by 1 person

      9. Because I knew the result the day I trusted Him. My eyes, ears, and heart were opened.


      10. I found the opposite. If you are content with your religious beliefs, then good for you. Just bear in mind that myself (and many others here) have sought Christ for many years and have found nothing except for empty promises and lies.

        I’m not actually bitter at Christianity, this is just how I objectively see it. Whatever you tell us to try and coax us back to Christianity, we have heard it before.

        Liked by 2 people

      11. I know that I have no power to “coax” someone to come to Jesus. I believe that He is the only one who can draw one to himself.
        I also struggle with commenting on “atheist” posts for that very reason.
        But, the sharing of ideas, from all sides, with kindness and thoughtfulness, I consider to be a good exchange.
        I cannot explain why someone who tries to find God does not find Him. There is always more to that story.


      12. Randy, we don’t’ find god because god is fake. That’s the whole point.

        And I’m not just trying to be a dick. I know damned well that you REALLY believe you have a relationship with god, or feel god’s presence, or all that stuff. I do. I know that is what you feel, and because you feel that, you believe your religion is therefore true.

        People feel that exact same way when they believe in Santa Claus. Or Thor. Or Muhammed. They feel the same sense of wonderment. Of interconnectedness. Of a soul.

        THIS is why we ask for evidence. People’s minds can trick themselves into believing that they are talking to their dead grandma. All of these ways we fool ourselves with our minds are well studied and well documented. Very intelligent people have been fooled quite easily into believing something that was literally false and set up to be false to test their behavior and belief.

        But despite us literally being able to show that very intelligent people can be fooled by seemingly obvious tricks and their own desire that things be true, you wish to establish that somehow, YOUR particular belief is not like the others. Call me skeptical, but you’re gonna have to do better than just talking about your feelings. Your going to have to bring some evidence.

        Liked by 1 person

      13. To what end? If you don’t want to belong to the God you have seen portrayed in the Bible, well, that is the God that I know.
        It seems that you have made the choice already.
        I can only “be a witness” to what I have been given.
        If God is Spirit, then what physical evidence would be enough.
        I assume that you don’t believe in the idea of a spiritual realm, because you can’t see the evidence.
        I am saying that, to see the evidence, you have to have received the “eyes to see.”


      14. Randy, this isn’t about “want”. I “want” to be able to fly. That would be totally awesome. But I understand gravity, fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, lift, and electromagnetism. As much as it would be fun to just float up and fly like superman, and indeed I’ve dreamed of it, I have accepted that it is highly unlikely given all those physics problems.

        I can want to believe in god all I want, but I understand how people fool themselves. I understand how other religions form. I understand the forces of belief, cognitive dissonance, availability heuristics, and confirmation bias. I understand and have studied sociology. I understand biology, archaeology, agriculture, meteorology, astronomy, math, and the scientific method. All of these things demonstrate that the bible is demonstrably wrong, and the existence of any god is highly unlikely.

        Your “witness” just confirms what we know of confirmation bias and the way we fall for magic tricks. It doesn’t actually demonstrate there is any god.

        What you are asking me to consider is because you have zero evidence of your god, you just simply want me to watch a magician saw a woman in half, and then literally convince myself, despite knowing not only that it is a trick but also how it is done, that he is actually sawing the woman in half. I can’t do that. I can’t do that any more than when a new age mystic tells me that I need to wear a rock to cure back problems, or something dumb like that.

        I already know what is going on behind the curtain. I’ve seen the guy running the smoke machine, projector, and loud speaker. I can’t believe in Oz unless something tremendous comes along. And you have not only come with nothing tremendous, your “witness” is as worn and bland as anything.

        Liked by 1 person

      15. I, too, know what’s going on behind the curtain (in a limited sense). Do you want me to stop all comments in the future?


      16. You have no idea what is going on behind the curtain. I bet you have never once seriously considered why Muslims believe so strongly in their faith, or Mormons, or Jews, or Wiccans, or Zoroastrians, or Hindus.

        You just assume they are, what? Stupid? Yet here you are, with the same lame excuses, trying to pretend like your god is somehow more believable.

        I don’t care if you continue to comment, by the way. Just know that if you continue to claim that your god is the all-powerful magnificent, loving, eternal, true god, and he can’t even show up the tree fairies, I won’t be impressed. You shouldn’t be either.

        Liked by 3 people

      17. I was going to put out a response but Spartan articulated it perfectly and I have nothing more to add to that.


      18. Judy Thompson May 20, 2021 — 7:20 pm

        The end of the world hapens every day. you just haven’t caught on, have you. When someone dies, no matter who, or why, or how, for him, that is the end of the world, for them. It’s personal, it’s usually private, sometimes its a mess, but for those souls that have experienced that selfsame end of their world it’s real..


      19. Yes people die every day and then they cease to exist. Thank you for informing this groundbreaking reality to me.
        “but for those souls that have experienced that selfsame end of their world it’s real…”. How do you know what it is like to die? Have you experienced this?


  9. Randy, you asked on your blog: “[I]f I find that I have made major changes in my life because I have believed a lie, what do I do now?” That’s a very good question. One that would be well for you to ponder.

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  10. Here is what the Bible says about this post:
    “They will say, ‘Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.’ … But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” — 2 Peter 3:4, 8-9


    1. Here is what The Spartan Atheist says about the bible:

      “The bible has been wrong so many times, you have to be a gullible idiot to believe it could possibly be right.”



    2. chris schilling May 18, 2021 — 5:48 pm


      I skip reading Bible quotes — they’re not impressive — in much the same way some people skip over dream sequences or sex passages in novels.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. @Chris. Don’t change the subject matter That’s not the point. . The author of this blog had questioned about the end of the world. I specifically pointed by giving references that Bible doesn’t state any specific dates. In spite of showing reference Bible doesn’t mention any dates for the absolute end of this world or reappearing of Christ or prophets you people were reluctant to accept this fact. If my English is not my first language why you people keep on making mockery of my English. This itself shows that chris has no valid answers to refute my position.

    The author of this blog has totally misrepresented and misinterpreted the facts in Bible. He said “So they all waited and prayed and feared for the end of the world. And in the end, they all died”.. So, the straight point is if Bible doesn’t mentions any date for the end of the world. Then it’s not right on the part of author of this blog to give his own version for the statement “end of this world”.

    Further In mark 13 Jesus further states that, in future there will be war, pestilent, rumors of war, imitation Christ etc. So, from this literal reading of Bible any prudent man will not misinterpret the words which is very clear. Bible clearly states beginning of end of this world and not the absolute date for the end of this world.


    1. chris schilling May 18, 2021 — 11:36 pm

      If biblical prophecy is so open-ended, or general, or posed in purely naturalistic terms — rumours of war; war itself; disease; etc — then it has no special or divine predictive power or worth. It’s simply the writers of the time commenting on things common to the world and the human condition, and couching their warnings in apocalyptic theological language.

      To interpret scripture literally — whether it’s Mark or any other Gospel writer, or even the Book of Revelation — as some sort of harbinger of End Times is to forsake prudency in favour of fanatical religious zeal. That way lies madness.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Whoops! Chris again you missed a crucial point. We know that man kind had been suffering from various diseases in the past but we haven’t experienced like Sars virus now is it not?. So, the general predictions in the Bible like pandemic, wars, godless society is about its increase in it’s quantity and intensity in future. More the human society becomes Godless more the suffering to the humanity at large in this world. It’ also pertinent to note that Christ mentions that there will be false Christ, brothers’ will betray brother’s, immorality will increase etc. During the Christ age or before Christ era there was no such increase in intensity of general incidences This is a warning prediction to future generations not to get bewildered and lose faith in God due to this chaotic situations.


    1. Calcutta Bob, you keep pooping from your mouth. Just shit, coming out of your mouth.

      Chris noted, and you affirmed, that the bible is just an open-ended bunch of nonsense. There is no prediction, just a list of stuff that has happened and will happen again and again. This is EXACTLY the reason why we should lose faith. As in, “I have no faith that the bible is useful for anything.”

      A BILLION dead people have learned that their faith was misplaced. A BILLION dead people learned that they were wrong.

      Why should I be the next person that is wrong?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Uber — and where exactly do you think they got these ideas/thoughts/predictions about the things that “were to come”? Out of their “godly” imagination? Or more likely, what they were seeing around them at the time. Humans have a very long history of cruelty, intolerance, immorality, etc. Unfortunately, it seems to be part of our nature.

      And if, as many (you) believe/suggest, we are the creations of a god — where did these “qualities” come from?

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Chris, it’s evident you are such a atheistic jerk to come to this nonsensical conclusion. You can’t even able to understand the logic behind predictions. Divine Predictions were made in the lite of unforeseen events that is to happen in future. Christ didn’t predict just like ordinary astrologers do. Actually he envisioned the future prospectus of this degrading world. If these general incidence naturally occurred during his life time there is no need for HIM to specifically indicate these common events would continue in future. Right?. . So, the incidences mentioned in Mark 13 by Christ were unnatural events which the present world is experiencing in an increased intensity and quantity. It’s a warning from Christ to those sincere theist who shouldn’t become bewildered and lose faith in God despite chaotic conditions in their life. Anyway this as nothing to do with atheist people like you who are non believers’ of God.


  14. Lol, spartan do you have any constipation problem sir?. Maintain the dignity of this blog.


    1. Calcutta Bob, there is only one person coming on to this blog and talking shit right now, and it is you. I’m only allowing your comments here because you’re a perfect example of what I’m talking about. But I’d be more than happy to keep deleting your comments to clean up the animosity.


  15. Nan and Chris, I wasn’t even sure I wanted to let this through. Calcutta Betty is just being a total troll. Calling names, calling Nan a dude, challenging basic history, spouting more shit….

    I think this little girl has proven the point that religion makes you stupid. Unless either of you wants to engage further….


    1. Looks like you took the logical step, SA … and sent him/her/it to the trash bin. (First time I’ve ever been called a dude! 😄😅😂)

      Amazing how some difficult it is for some people to understand/accept logic.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. By the way, got your book the other day!


      2. YAY! I hope you enjoy it. It’s pretty easy reading.

        I tend to get mostly favorable feedback (or people are just being nice!), but I’m always interested in knowing what people think — positive or negative.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Well, just started, but my impression so far is I could literally give this to a religious person and they wouldn’t take offense to it…. unlike my blog I assume. LOL! It could potentially move a hard-liner off the edge enough to have a decent conversation.

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Nevermind, he challenged me to delete his comments. So I did.


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