The Great God-dini!

When it comes to the worlds greatest escape artist, the world champion hide and seek title holder, and the king of bait-and-switch, you’ve gotta hand it to God. This character is in a league of his own. He has outclassed, outstripped, and outdone all other practitioners of the arts, and shows no signs of slowing down.

Despite billions of people worldwide attesting to talking to this guy, not a single person in the entire world can even tell you what he looks like. He’s never been photographed. He’s never been recorded. We can’t even get an accurate quote. He literally never leaves a trace. No footprints, no fingerprints, nothing out of place, no DNA, nothing dropped, nothing missing. Absolutely nothing.

Despite an ever-increasingly technologically advanced society, God has managed to evade every possible effort to seek him out. While nearly every human alive now has a camera in their pocket at all times, not a single picture exists of this guy. We can hook people up to all sorts of sensors and probes, and this guy still manages to sneak past the most sophisticated detection devices known to man to deliver messages. Hell, we can measure gravity waves but we still can’t get a single needle to quiver when this guy has come around.

And don’t try to capture him. Oh, no. Hell, the bible specifically says you can’t test God. He’ll see right through your ruse and make his escape, leaving you with an empty trap. He has reportedly helped people find their keys, cured cancer, gotten people jobs or promotions, comforted them during their time of need, matched up romantic partners, and offered great advice. But ask him to do one of these things in advance, and he’s just gone, like he was never even there……

And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention God’s absolute winning status as a snake-oil salesman. The lowest and sleaziest crooked salesmen the world over are amazed at God’s ability to promise the world, furnish a polished turd, and still get repeat paying customers. No other salesman could get away with selling something that is supposed to heal you, make you healthy, and give you a long life, only to kill you within weeks, and still get people to keep buying. Yet here he is. And his success is largely built upon a key loophole that he sticks on all of his products: “The Plan™”.

You see, his product is not a simple get-rich scheme. His product is part of a complicated get-rich scheme. By having people buy into the idea that it’s a miraculous product, but their individual results may vary based on a larger plan of overall goodness, each individual is already aware that their specific product might be shit. It’s absolutely an incredible marketing ploy, especially since the actual results are worse all around. Worse for the individual, worse for all customers collectively, and worse for anyone at all because of the actions of the customers in the rest of the community. It’s a brilliant, criminal scheme.

Yes, God has enriched himself so much over the years that he has dozens of properties in nearly every community in the world. And all this despite his demonstrably poisonous product. When you look collectively at his ability to bait and switch his customers of large sums of money, his unmatched ability to escape physical or even logical traps, and his thousands of years on the run without a single sighting, and I can think of no better recipient for this award.

It is therefore my pleasure to announce that today, I hereby bestow the award of “Greatest Fraud of the Universe” to the Great God-dini!

*God did not show to collect his award. As we kinda assumed this would happen, we didn’t actually make an award. This award is fake. Like God.

The Spartan Atheist

55 thoughts on “The Great God-dini!

  1. “For with you (YHWH) is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light.” Ps 36:9


    1. Hi, Randy. Welcome back.

      Yes, I know what is in the bible. I think it would help you to read my articles on evidence, they would clear up why this quote is useless.


      1. I read it.
        Difference between spirit and physical.


      2. Sure, but the claim is your god interacts with the physical. Do you believe your god does nothing?


      3. So, if he engages with the physical world, then he would leave evidence, right? Something would be different. Out of order. Changed. Right?


      4. The physical world is evidence, Spart. How could you not recognize the order, the predictability, the ability to gain understanding, all because there is a purpose for everything.


      5. You obviously didn’t actually read my article on evidence.

        I say, the world was created by a gay, pink unicorn that farted pixies and earth stuff, and the pixies go around creating order.

        You say god did it.

        Which hypothesis is supported by “there is a physical world?”


      6. When you say a gay, pink unicorn, you are lying.


      7. Randy, yes, and someone was lying when they said god did it. Both lies. If you have ANY ability to think critically, do so right now and consider what I just said.


      8. Hmmm. Considering…considering…considering. Nope. The only plausible explanation is the wisdom and foresight and power of an all-powerful God.


      9. And gay pink farting unicorns. If you don’t at least look at the evidence for gay pink farting unicorns, you are being closed minded.

        Liked by 1 person

      10. I am really not interested in arguing with you. Do you believe in a creation that had no guiding intelligence? Then use that. Don’t try to compare what I believe to something you don’t believe.
        If science that agrees with you is your god, or if you are your god, then use that.
        I know the One who made me, who is infinite, and beyond description.
        He called to me and I came.
        Maybe He hasn’t called to you, yet.
        Or, maybe He has.


      11. Okay, Randy. I believe that as a result of chemical reactions, early RNA and DNA was formed, and these early replicating chemical compounds grew ever increasingly complicated that over millions of years resulted in the current diversity of life on our planet.

        Hypothesis 1) god did it. (yours)
        Hypothesis 2) chemistry did it (mine)

        Observation: stuff is here.

        Randy, does the observation point specifically to your hypothesis, my hypothesis, or would it be the result if either of them were true?


      12. Stuff is here. We agree on the observation.
        You have trouble with my belief that a mind of a God that you can’t see could have created it.
        I have trouble with your belief that all these chemicals could have come together (ahh, the Beatles) randomly, gradually, and, without any guiding intelligence, could have become so complex as to allow you and me to have this conversation.
        Through the internet, no less.


      13. Randy, I dont care which one you have “trouble” with, the question is which which of these two result in the world as it is?

        The answer is, they both do. Evolution or “God did it” BOTH result in trees. So this is NOT EVIDENCE. Information is not evidence if it doesn’t point to a specific hypothesis.

        So back to where we started, god supposedly messes with the physical world all the time, yet never actually seems to do anything at all.


      14. If you can’t see Him, how do you know He’s not doing anything?
        I could tell you about the first time I noticed His work, but you still wouldn’t be able to see His hand.
        Maybe He has sent me to you to get your attention.


      15. Randy, I JUST explained how. We can’t see air, but we can see the effects of air. Air does something, and we know it because of the effect it produces.

        Your god does absolutely nothing, and we know that because nothing changes.


      16. You don’t know the “effect” He produces because you have never come to Him.
        I’m sorry, but you will not be able to “see” Him until you desire to return to Him.


      17. Randy, YOU say you see the effect. What is it?


      18. There is a story of the first time I saw “the effect.” I thought I had shared it with you before. But first….

        There is a story in the Book I have come to love since that world changing day in 1978.

        It seems there was this commander in the army of Abram. He was victorious in all his battles, a mighty warrior, and highly regarded by his king.

        His name was Naaman, and it seemed he had it all, but he had a skin disease.

        A while back, a band of Arameans had gone into a village in Samaria and captured some of its inhabitants and sold them as slaves.

        Naaman had a slave girl he had bought from this band.

        One day, the slave girl told Naaman’s wife, “There is a prophet of the most high God in Samaria who performs mighty wonders. Your husband should go to him and be healed.”

        Naaman went to his king to ask for some time off. He told him what the servant girl had told him.

        The king granted his request and even wrote a letter to the king of Israel, telling him to cure his commander, Naaman.

        When the king of Israel received the letter, he was terrified. “I can’t heal a man,” he cried out.”This king if Aram is trying to start a war with me. What can I do?”

        Elisha, the prophet the servant girl was speaking of, heard about the king’s troubled state, and sent him a message to send Naaman to him.

        Naaman came to Elisha’s house, and Elisha sent a servant out to tell Naaman to go dip in the Jordan River seven times.

        “Where is the prophet,” Naaman asked.”Why can’t he come out and do the thing to heal me?”

        He was enraged. Didn’t Elisha know who he was? Aren’t there better rivers, cleaner rivers in Damascus? Why did he have to go into the Jordan River?

        One of his servants asked him, “Master? If the prophet had asked you to do so big thing, wouldn’t you have done it? Maybe you should do what he said.”

        So Naaman did. And he was healed. 2 Kings 5.

        You, my friend, keep asking for evidence, physical evidence, that God is real. If Jesus could appear before his disciples after his resurrection, why can’t he appear before me right now?

        I don’t think you really want that, though, do you. You would rather he not be true so you can continue as the god in your life.

        But, just as Elisha made the rules for Naaman, Jesus made the rules for us.
        “You must be born again.”
        “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.”
        “If you love me, you will keep my commands.”

        Naaman could have gone back to his home, carrying his disease with him.

        But he didn’t. He listened to his servants.

        Maybe, in your scenario, I am your servant.

        Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet, believe.


      19. So, are you saying that you saw this effect? Because obviously you didn’t. It is a story in a book and nobody knows who wrote it.

        THIS is your evidence that your god does stuff? A story written thousands of years ago by an unknown author? About people that may or may not even be real?


      20. No that is not my story. That is just something that I remembered that reminded me of you.
        I could tell you my story, but you would probably attribute it to stupid coincidence, or something like that.


      21. Randy, of COURSE I want your story!!!! Thats what I’ve been asking for. What did you see? What did you witness?


      22. Sorry that it took me so long. Also, sorry that it is so long. Believe me, this is a short version.
        A friend of mine, looking for proof of God actually doing anything in this physical world, asked me what I had seen. I asked him if he wanted to hear my story.
        “Randy, of COURSE I want your story!!!! Thats what I’ve been asking for. What did you see? What did you witness?”
        So hear is a short (still pretty long) version. I never tire of sharing it.
        April 23, 1978
        “Hey, Randy, we want you to teach the high school Sunday School class. How ‘bout it.”
        This was my first foray into responsibility as an adult. I had left my church for my college years, got married, had a kid.
        When we moved back to my hometown, we decided to go back to my home church.
        “Sure,” I replied, l can do that.”
        How hard could it be?
        “They have just started the book of John. Chapter 1. You will pick up on chapter 2.”
        Now, looking back, I was absolutely unqualified to teach anything, especially the Bible. I doubt that I had ever read more than a verse or two at a time.
        Actually, I found it a little bit (or a lot) boring.
        But I was a smart guy. I could do this.
        April 30, 1978
        “Turn in your Bibles to John chapter 2.”
        I began to read, paraphrase, read, paraphrase….
        I was right. It was boring.
        The kids were looking at their watches, struggling to keep their eyes opened.
        I even saw some eyes rolling back into their heads.
        I figured maybe I could do better next week.
        After church, I went to the church library, checked out a big heavy commentary to help me figure out how to make this a little bit more entertaining.
        May 7, 1978
        John chapter 3.
        Apparently the commentary didn’t make this book more interesting.
        Watch watching, eye rolling, boredom.
        In this chapter some big religious guy named Nicodemus came to Jesus at night and tried to throw a little flattery Jesus’ way by telling him that no one could do these kind of things he was doing unless God was with him.
        Jesus replied, “ I tell you the truth. No one can even see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”
        Nicodemus didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.
        Neither did I.
        I kept on reading out loud, hurrying to get past this statement. Luckily, no one asked me what it meant.
        But, for the first time in my entire 26 years, a statement out of the Bible troubled me.
        I continued to bore the kids and just pushed this verse completely out of my mind.
        May 8, 1978
        I was a route salesman/driver for Pepsi Cola at this time. I was pretty good at it. Top salesman three of the five years I worked there.
        This Monday morning, as I drove to my first stop, I was really depressed. Tears behind my eyes depressed.
        And I didn’t have a clue why.
        I remember praying. I believed in God. I had been taught to pray to God when things weren’t going well, when you ate at a table with family, and before you went to sleep. Things were usually going pretty well for me, but my mealtime prayers were usually, “Dear, God, thank you for this food and help it go to the nourishment of our bodies.”
        Bedtime usually something like, “ Dear, God, help me to do what is right and not what is wrong.”
        But there was that one time, about a year before, when I had been cheating on my tickets a little bit at a grocery store, and I thought I had been discovered.
        I had lost a job a couple of years earlier, before Pepsi, for falsifying records, and I thought it was going to happen again.
        I considered myself a good person, too.
        So when I was driving back to the plant the day I thought I was about to be discovered, I prayed, in abject fear, “Dear God, please don’t let me be fired again! I will do anything for you. Just please don’t let me be fired!”
        I got back to the plant.
        Nothing happened.
        Back to May 8, 1978.
        “Dear, God, why am I so depressed? If you go to church on Sunday, shouldn’t you feel good on Monday?” I really wanted to cry…
        “And, what does it mean to be born again?”
        I arrived at my first store, Skaggs Albertsons on Centerville and Broadway in Garland.
        I walked in the back door, head down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone for fear that the dam would break and I would start crying like a baby.
        I stepped over a pile of dirt on the dock that was to be dumped into the dumpster.
        There was a paper on top of the pile that had the words facing up, “HAVE YOU BEEN BORN AGAIN?”
        I picked it up and stuck it into my pocket.
        I needed to find the restroom, so I walked across the back aisle of the store toward the break room.
        I stepped over another pile of dirt that had been swept up by the floor crew and hadn’t made it to the back room yet.
        Right on top of that pile was a paper with the words up that said, “WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE BORN .”
        I picked it up and stuck it in my pocket.
        When I finished the work in this store, I went out to my truck, started the engine, and read the first one, front to back, praying out loud the prayer at the end.
        I set it down on the seat and picked up the second one, read it from front to back, praying out loud the prayer printed at the end.
        When I looked up, my depression was gone.
        The sun was bright, the air was clear, and I felt like I was seeing color for the first time.
        Something changed in me that day, for real.
        That day, I learned what it means to be born again.
        Now, I have quite a few years behind me, and, every time I retell this story, I realize stuff I had never thought of before.
        Like, without April 23, then April 30, then March 7, if I had stepped over those two piles of dirt, I would have kept right on walking.
        If I hadn’t been depressed and prayed a desperate prayer, I would have kept on walking. If some young man (or old, I don’t know) hadn’t left those Bible tracts in the restroom to be thrown on the floor and swept up, I would have stepped right over the piles.
        So many seemingly inconsequential things had to be in place for God to be able to grab the attention of this 26 year old self-centered “good person” and bring him to a life changing decision that changed everything.
        42 years later, I love him even more than I did that day.
        And, I believe with all my being, that my Jesus is extending his hand to you, as well.
        “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart….”
        “For God loved the world (me, you, them) so much, that He gave His only Son, that WHOEVER believes, in Him has eternal (forever) life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”


      23. You asked me. Sorry it took so long and that it is so long. Believe me# I edited. A lot.
        A friend of mine, looking for proof of God actually doing anything in this physical world, asked me what I had seen. I asked him if he wanted to hear my story.
        “Randy, of COURSE I want your story!!!! Thats what I’ve been asking for. What did you see? What did you witness?”
        So hear is a short (still pretty long) version. I never tire of sharing it.
        April 23, 1978
        “Hey, Randy, we want you to teach the high school Sunday School class. How ‘bout it.”
        This was my first foray into responsibility as an adult. I had left my church for my college years, got married, had a kid.
        When we moved back to my hometown, we decided to go back to my home church.
        “Sure,” I replied, l can do that.”
        How hard could it be?
        “They have just started the book of John. Chapter 1. You will pick up on chapter 2.”
        Now, looking back, I was absolutely unqualified to teach anything, especially the Bible. I doubt that I had ever read more than a verse or two at a time.
        Actually, I found it a little bit (or a lot) boring.
        But I was a smart guy. I could do this.
        April 30, 1978
        “Turn in your Bibles to John chapter 2.”
        I began to read, paraphrase, read, paraphrase….
        I was right. It was boring.
        The kids were looking at their watches, struggling to keep their eyes opened.
        I even saw some eyes rolling back into their heads.
        I figured maybe I could do better next week.
        After church, I went to the church library, checked out a big heavy commentary to help me figure out how to make this a little bit more entertaining.
        May 7, 1978
        John chapter 3.
        Apparently the commentary didn’t make this book more interesting.
        Watch watching, eye rolling, boredom.
        In this chapter some big religious guy named Nicodemus came to Jesus at night and tried to throw a little flattery Jesus’ way by telling him that no one could do these kind of things he was doing unless God was with him.
        Jesus replied, “ I tell you the truth. No one can even see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”
        Nicodemus didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.
        Neither did I.
        I kept on reading out loud, hurrying to get past this statement. Luckily, no one asked me what it meant.
        But, for the first time in my entire 26 years, a statement out of the Bible troubled me.
        I continued to bore the kids and just pushed this verse completely out of my mind.
        May 8, 1978
        I was a route salesman/driver for Pepsi Cola at this time. I was pretty good at it. Top salesman three of the five years I worked there.
        This Monday morning, as I drove to my first stop, I was really depressed. Tears behind my eyes depressed.
        And I didn’t have a clue why.
        I remember praying. I believed in God. I had been taught to pray to God when things weren’t going well, when you ate at a table with family, and before you went to sleep. Things were usually going pretty well for me, but my mealtime prayers were usually, “Dear, God, thank you for this food and help it go to the nourishment of our bodies.”
        Bedtime usually something like, “ Dear, God, help me to do what is right and not what is wrong.”
        But there was that one time, about a year before, when I had been cheating on my tickets a little bit at a grocery store, and I thought I had been discovered.
        I had lost a job a couple of years earlier, before Pepsi, for falsifying records, and I thought it was going to happen again.
        I considered myself a good person, too.
        So when I was driving back to the plant the day I thought I was about to be discovered, I prayed, in abject fear, “Dear God, please don’t let me be fired again! I will do anything for you. Just please don’t let me be fired!”
        I got back to the plant.
        Nothing happened.
        Back to May 8, 1978.
        “Dear, God, why am I so depressed? If you go to church on Sunday, shouldn’t you feel good on Monday?” I really wanted to cry…
        “And, what does it mean to be born again?”
        I arrived at my first store, Skaggs Albertsons on Centerville and Broadway in Garland.
        I walked in the back door, head down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone for fear that the dam would break and I would start crying like a baby.
        I stepped over a pile of dirt on the dock that was to be dumped into the dumpster.
        There was a paper on top of the pile that had the words facing up, “HAVE YOU BEEN BORN AGAIN?”
        I picked it up and stuck it into my pocket.
        I needed to find the restroom, so I walked across the back aisle of the store toward the break room.
        I stepped over another pile of dirt that had been swept up by the floor crew and hadn’t made it to the back room yet.
        Right on top of that pile was a paper with the words up that said, “WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE BORN .”
        I picked it up and stuck it in my pocket.
        When I finished the work in this store, I went out to my truck, started the engine, and read the first one, front to back, praying out loud the prayer at the end.
        I set it down on the seat and picked up the second one, read it from front to back, praying out loud the prayer printed at the end.
        When I looked up, my depression was gone.
        The sun was bright, the air was clear, and I felt like I was seeing color for the first time.
        Something changed in me that day, for real.
        That day, I learned what it means to be born again.
        Now, I have quite a few years behind me, and, every time I retell this story, I realize stuff I had never thought of before.
        Like, without April 23, then April 30, then March 7, if I had stepped over those two piles of dirt, I would have kept right on walking.
        If I hadn’t been depressed and prayed a desperate prayer, I would have kept on walking. If some young man (or old, I don’t know) hadn’t left those Bible tracts in the restroom to be thrown on the floor and swept up, I would have stepped right over the piles.
        So many seemingly inconsequential things had to be in place for God to be able to grab the attention of this 26 year old self-centered “good person” and bring him to a life changing decision that changed everything.
        42 years later, I love him even more than I did that day.
        And, I believe with all my being, that my Jesus is extending his hand to you, as well.
        “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart….”
        “For God loved the world (me, you, them) so much, that He gave His only Son, that WHOEVER believes, in Him has eternal (forever) life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”


      24. Thank you, Randy. Now we have something to think about.

        So, you mentioned before that I would just write this up as…. I think you used the word coincidence? Why did you say that? What do you think sounds purely coincidental in your story?


      25. I don’t think anything sounds coincidental. I just was not sure how you would take my “testimony”.


      26. You can’t think of a single thing in that entire story that could be coincidence? Not one?


      27. Is that what you are looking for? Something that you can call coincidence?


      28. Well, you were right from the get-go. I can find lots of coincidences. But I’m asking you what YOU were worried I would call coincidence, and why? You had something in mind or you wouldn’t have said it. What was it?


      29. I wasn’t worried. All the references to being born again. The reading. The bothering. The prayer. The answer.
        If there is no God…all coincidence.


      30. Randy, the definition of a coincidence is not “if god doesn’t do it” or whatever wierd nonsense you are saying here.

        A coincidence, by definition, appears to have no causal link. And the less remarkable something is, the higher the chance of a coincidental event.

        What did you forsee that I would challenge as a coincidence?


      31. I have a question. Actually two. 1. How old are you? 2. Are you formulating an argument in your mind to try to kill my faith and bring me into your enlightened world?


      32. I’m middle aged, I have advanced degrees, and I’m a combat veteran. Not sure what you’re driving at, but I feel that covers the bases.

        I am presenting my argument, on my blog, and inviting real people to challenge my assertions.

        I really have no idea where your comments or the comments of others will take these conversations, but…. You opened a huge door. And now you’re afraid to defend that move.

        Simple damned question. Like, kindergarten simple. But you are tap-dancing away.

        I had no specific tactic, but I understand bullshit and I see when people run from bullshit convictions. Stupid arguments hang themselves under simple questioning, after all.

        So here we are. Would you answer the question?


      33. Am I right? Do you think the story is based on a series of coincidences?
        Would you ever be able to imagine that there could be “a divine hand” working things through?
        I’m not trying to convince you.
        I think you are as set in your beliefs as I am.
        All I can tell you is that the change in me did not dissipate over time.
        Quite the opposite.


      34. Randy, if you’re too scared to even think about this, we aren’t going to have a good discussion. You know damned well what seems coincidental, but you just can’t seem to force yourself to be honest with yourself.

        You REFUSE to acknowledge the possibility, even as a thought experiment. I ask for a thoughtful analysis, you give me excuses. It is as if putting your toe in the “pool of thinking” will ruin your own belief.

        Well, I’m not going to lie. Critical thinking does generally kill people’s religious beliefs. And you are too uncomfortable to think critically about your beliefs. So, maybe you should hold off commenting on my blog for a while until you’ve come to terms with that.


      35. You don’t understand. I am not afraid of your arguments. I speak with you because I love to think critically. I have met my Creator, and have loved him now for nearly 42 years. Your inability to go beyond the physical world shows me that the scripture that grabbed me in 1978 is absolutely true.
        I do realize, of course, that I have no power to transform anyone, just as nothing anyone said to me before my day came changed me.
        Our arguments go round and round.
        Thank you for indulging me as long as you have.
        God is love.
        Jesus has made known to me the path of life:
        He has filled me with joy in his presence,
        With eternal pleasure at his right hand.

        Why would I want to give that up and go back to your life?


      36. Randy, this argument keeps going around in circles because you keep tap-dancing around a single question I have asked. This is dishonest. Answer the question:

        What did you perceive I or others may see as coincidence?


      37. I have already answered the question.


      38. No, Randy. You have avoided the question, and quite skillfully I will note.

        Name one specific thing in your story that could be seen as a coincidence. Then we can discuss it.


      39. 1. The first time a scripture ever struck me as important.
        2. Actually praying about the meaning of scripture.
        3. Within 5 minutes finding not one but two different but similar explanations.
        4. Believing and changing.


      40. Okay, some of those I don’t think are coincidence, just actions you took or things you thought.

        But let’s agree that finding not one, but two seeming answers so closely related in time and location is a coincidence that you believe is too unusual to put away as pure luck. Would that be accurate?


      41. It’s not finding two similar things in the same location that makes it unusual, but the timing with the other circumstances.
        And the resulting life change.
        If you don’t believe there could be a spiritual realm, there really is no point in continuing the discussion.
        Wouldn’t you agree?


      42. I disagree completely. If there is a spiritual realm that I’m unaware of, but it leaves a definitive footprint, then all you have to do is demonstrate it.

        Your story would be astounding, except you basically just stacked two extremely common things on top of one another.

        Imagine if I told you I was considering buying a new car, and someone started talking to me about Teslas, and we spend 20 min googling Teslas.

        5 days later, I drive by a parking lot and see FIVE Teslas parked there. Sign from GOD!!!!

        Only not really. We all know about the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, where you tend to notice the things that are on your mind, even if you didn’t notice them before. And actually, there are LOTS of Teslas out there.

        So nobody would assume god suddenly made my decision to buy a Tesla. And this same concept, of suddenly noticing super common things when you develop interest, explain all sorts of things about how we see the world, how we work, how we identify, etc.

        Google it. Seriously. Look it up and all the examples and who they teach about it. Leaders do well to understand the effect, less they miss seeing obvious problems because they aren’t thinking about those problems. Its real, it actually happens all the time with all of us, and it is exceptionally common.

        So when you tell me you were worried for an entire month about the phrase “born again”, and then you noticed something that said “born again”, I say yeah, no shit. And of all the phrases printed and distributed in Christian literature, my bet is not only “born again” probably the most published, but its probably on a million pamphlets within 1 mile of me right now where I sit. Random guess, but 1 million would not be a suprise to me. I see them all over as well.

        So if a normal coincidence has a, lets say, 10% chance, id easily say the chances of someone being concerned by the term “born again” finding something that says “born again” is about 90%, and finding a second object in the same building at 80-85%.

        We can debate the actual percentages, but you have a situation that is above likely by pure chance, and you tell me that it’s occurence therefore demonstrates a god? Youre telling me your god can only do things MORE LIKELY than chance. That’s lame.

        What say you?


      43. Wow, Sparta, honestly, that rally does make a lot of sense. You kinda took the wonder out of my story.
        I had probably stepped over thousands of born again papers in my life time and they never did one thing for me.
        Well, thank goodness for The Baader and Meinhof guys for figuring out that phenomenon that would completely change my life. Those guys!
        Oh, wait! They didn’t invent it! They just discovered it.
        My life changed because someone threw away some trash and the God who made the brain used the brain to get my attention.
        I think that is an even greater miracle!
        Don’t you?
        “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 1Cor. 1:27
        (Oh it wasn’t a month of worrying about the born again thing, it was a couple of minutes over two days.)
        Good illustrations, though. Thanks.


      44. Again, Randy, I’m not gonna change your belief. But I am absolutely going to point out that your experience is not only possible, but actually fairly likely. If you DIDN’T see a pamphlet that said “born again” it would actually be MORE impressive.

        So no, I wasnt impressed. And now youre putting words in my mouth and changing goal posts, so I think we’re probably at a good conclusion here.


      45. Fair enough.
        The transformation that began in my life that day, 42 years ago, has proven itself to me over and over and over.
        What began as a belief by faith has grown to a love of the object of my faith.
        If I were to tell you all the ways He has interacted with me through the years…well, I wouldn’t have time. So much life.
        It has really been a pleasure for me to share this with you and your friends.
        Thank you for the opportunity.
        I will keep reading your stuff.
        You do make me think critically.

        Liked by 1 person

      46. See “What” ???? I tried looking high and low and into every nook and cranny when I was part of the “seeing crowd” and never did locate anything.

        Shucks! Now that I think about it, it was most likely because I forgot to put on my rose-colored glasses.

        Liked by 1 person

      47. Nan, I have so many questions I would like to ask you. If you are ever open to the discussion, let me know. My email is


      48. You’re wrong, spartan … things do change. Intelligent people become servants (zombies?) to a mute and unseen entity that lives somewhere “out there” and then turn around and try to convince others that invisible and silent actually don’t mean what they mean.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. How could a “spirit” — whatever that is — interact with the physical?

    How can one even attribute consciousness to a spirit/God? Consciousness is a product of brains — physical organs — and any “spirit”, by definition, should lack such a conspicuous feature.

    Ultimately, all evangelicals, like Randy, are left with when they tout their god is either Bible quotes — which failed to impress us the first five hundred times ’round — or personal anecdotes about being “saved.”

    That’s not nearly enough to persuade anyone not already persuaded.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautifully written – I have always said the same myself. What a scam. People actually pay for something they cannot see, taste, smell, hear or touch. Something for which there has never been any evidence that it exists. They pay to try to get into a magical land. They worlds oldest con.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And if you ask these folks if they believe in ghosts, ghouls, or people returning from the dead they give you a flat eyed, raised eyebrow look and say, ‘whut’. “you stupid. ain’t no such things as ghosts, and dead people is dead people. no such thing, nope.” But the Bible is real.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. @Covert24
    The internet is probably not the most suitable place to have a psychotic episode.

    Liked by 1 person

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